Tanya Nellestein
Ink Business
Tanya Nellestein is an Amazon best-selling and award winning author from Wollondilly. She is also a Journalist, Editor, and both the Founder and Director of INK Business: Transforming Words into Business!
She is a former Deputy Editor for Hearts Talk, Romance Writers of Australia monthly journal, I currently write for the Australian National Construction Review, The District Reporter, and Indie Author Magazine.
Throughout her creative journey, she has been shortlisted for numerous awards, most recently becoming a finalist in the Global Book Awards. In 2022, she was awarded the Romance Writers of Australia Sapphire Award for Best Unpublished Manuscript for The Side of Fate. In 2021, she won the Romance Writers of Australia Romance in Media Award.
She has worked in the community engagement sector for over 25 years, and has been sourcing and writing grants for not-for-profits, creatives, and small businesses for many years.
INK Business caters for small business, not-for-profit, and creatives, to help them thrive and achieve their goals. Access to grants and media opportunities empowers businesses enabling them to invest in their growth, innovation, and community impact. She connects these businesses with media to help amplify their stories and products. INK Business offers a range of services including guidance, support, workshops, consulting, coaching, and networking opportunities.